Obtaining feedback is a great way to get the pulse of a current program. Even the best trainings often require review to stakeholders. Team members look for improvements and tend to disengage when the desired changes do not show themselves. Feedback is a tool...that being said, consider the following:
How will the data be used? Your data should tell things such as who is logging on , attending, minutes of learning and participation metrics. This data is key to fill in the gaps, no matter the size of the organization.
Celebrate the wins. If current curriculums are working, you want testimonials that speak to the success. This will encourage others to seek the full benefit of trainings and learn how to fit it into their daily schedules.
Be honest about what is not working. Feedback helps to improve the negatives around trainings and shows team members that you are truly vested in their professional development.
Reimagine your trainings and announce improvements. Morale when team members see training dates pop up on their calendar can vary greatly. It is important to share the improvements upfront. Think of it as a pep rally for adults.
Feedback will keep L&D teams busy sifting through information. Trained professionals in these areas know how to present the data to stakeholders in a way that makes sense and answer questions regarding quantitative or qualitative data. Remember that the feedback channel is a part of the communication channel. Members will respect trainings more if there is reciprocating communication. The PH Factor Consulting Firm can help with all of these needs. Contact us to learn more. https://www.thephfactorconsultingfirm.com/let-s-connect